
Which Of The Following Myths Of Communication Is Identified In Your Book?

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a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero or event, with or without a determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation, especially one that is concerned with deities or demigods and explains some practice, rite, or phenomenon of nature.

stories or matter of this kind: realm of myth.

any invented story, idea, or concept: His account of the event is pure myth.

an imaginary or fictitious thing or person.

an unproved or false collective belief that is used to justify a social institution.



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Origin of myth

First recorded in 1820–30; from Late Latin mȳthus, from Greek mŷthos "story, word"

synonym study for myth

historical usage of myth

Myth came into English in the early 19th century via Latin mȳthus "myth, fable" from Greek mŷthos. Latin mȳthus is straightforward: it means "a fable or myth," such as one would read in Ovid's Metamorphoses, and in Late Latin, mȳthus is even used as a synonym for fābula "a story, fable."
Greek mŷthos has a tremendously wide range of meaning: "a word, a speech, mere speech (as opposed to érga 'deeds'), something said, a thought, an unspoken word, a purpose, a rumor, a report, a saying, fiction (as opposed to lógos 'historical truth'), the plot of a play, a narrative, a story, a story for children, a fable."
Sixty percent of Greek vocabulary has no known etymology, and mŷthos is probably within that 60 percent, but it is possible that mŷthos comes from the uncommon Proto-Indo-European root mēudh-, mūdh- (with other variants) "to be concerned with, crave, earnestly desire, think over." Following this theory, from the variant mūdh-, Greek derives mŷthos and its derivative verb mȳtheîsthai "to speak, converse, tell"; Gothic has maudjan "to remind, remember"; Lithuanian has maûsti "to be concerned with," and Polish has myśleć "to think."


coun·ter·myth, noun


fable, legend, myth (see synonym study at legend)

Words nearby myth

mysticize, mystify, mystique, Mysuru, mytacism, myth, mythical, mythicize, mythify, mythmaker, mytho-

Other definitions for myth (2 of 2) Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021

How to use myth in a sentence

  • Instead, it's the myth that the flu shot itself makes you sick.

  • Blockchain surveillance tools are powerful and increasingly widespread, proving that cryptocurrency is not as anonymous as popular myth might have it.

  • The popular myth that Belarusians simply aren't strong enough to stand up for themselves has been debunked.

  • Benedict was stopping in New Mexico to study myth and ritual in the Zuni Pueblo.

  • Even seasoned marketers can feel out of the SEO loop sometimes, especially when myths and speculations regarding algorithm updates spread online.

  • In the 70s, this myth kept openly gay people out of teaching positions.

  • And they all travel affordably, busting the myth that travel is only for the elite.

  • Hangover Rx: "The old 'hair of the dog' is pretty much just a myth," says White.

  • "The crack baby myth is being recapitulated in terms of NAS," Sunderlin said.

  • And likewise the Easter bunny, a bizarre pagan myth if ever one there was.

  • The myth of "Boreas and Orithyia," though faulty perhaps in technique, is good in conception and arrangement.

  • No such ethical bearing as this was ever assigned the myth by the red race before they were taught by Europeans.

  • I wanted to show you that this man with the gold tooth and the brown beard is no myth, as you seem to believe.

  • For ourselves, we do not credit the myth of the Hellenists; of the very existence of a Hercules we are profoundly incredulous.

  • In Celtic myth the Silver Bough played a less sinister part, and figures as a fairy talisman to music and delight.

British Dictionary definitions for myth (1 of 2)


  1. a story about superhuman beings of an earlier age taken by preliterate society to be a true account, usually of how natural phenomena, social customs, etc, came into existence
  2. another word for mythology (def. 1), mythology (def. 3)

a person or thing whose existence is fictional or unproven

(in modern literature) a theme or character type embodying an idea Hemingway's myth of the male hero

philosophy (esp in the writings of Plato) an allegory or parable

Word Origin for myth

C19: via Late Latin from Greek muthos fable, word

British Dictionary definitions for myth (2 of 2)

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Which Of The Following Myths Of Communication Is Identified In Your Book?


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