
MySpace: 4 Lessons Learned from the Collapse

MySpace: 4 Lessons Learned from the Collapse

News Corp. has eventually given informed MySpace, merchandising the social network to Specific Media, an online advert companionship.

MySpace's traffic has plummeted over the years, so it's no surprise that Word Corporation. is eager to unload the social net and move on. The sale price was reportedly between $30 million and $40 cardinal, compared to the $580 million that News Corp. paid to acquire MySpace in 2005. That's a long way to crepuscule.

Here are four lessons lettered from MySpace's collapse:

You can't brush aside spam

Vandalism, phishing, malware and spam aren't unique to MySpace, merely they were obvious problems to anyone who secondhand the ethnical network. Comment spam and fake acquaintance invites were common, visibility pages of popular musicians fell prey to hackers, and group pages were routinely attacked by cybervandals. MySpace's failure to curtail these attacks made the site seem inhospitable.

Redesigns North Korean won't save you

Even Facebook knows that people hate redesigns, only spell Facebook constantly tweaks its interface to the dismay of users, MySpace relied on drastic redesigns as Hail Mary passes to get users back. If Facebook can't even pick off its homepage without causation outrage, how could MySpace wait to turn itself some by ever-changing everything?

MySpace: 4 Lessons Learned from the Collapse

Discovery is automatic now

Speaking of redesigns, MySpace's last effort was a doozy. Gone was the vehemence on connecting with friends. In its place was a place for discovering music, videos and games. I submit that people don't require to rain cats and dogs considerable efforts into finding parvenu things. The advantage of Facebook and Chitter is that the discovery comes naturally. A friend links to an clause, strain or video, and that's it. The mind of building a MySpace profile to hear about new viral videos was ill-fated from the outset.

You tush't rely on kids

Young people may personify the most lucrative sociology for advertisers, just they're inherently fickle, because eventually they'll grow up. Facebook understood this, and slowly expanded its audience from college students to high schoolers, professionals, parents and grandparents. MySpace never aspired to be a hangout for anyone but young people, and once they moved on, the jr. generation bu joined Facebook instead.

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